How Do I Create a Workspace?

On the left-hand side, click the + button on the workspace list to create a new workspace.

Create a workspace
🏠 Note
To maintain your high-quality experience, each account can create a maximum of 20 workspaces to avoid information overload.



Then you will be prompted to give the workspace info:

  1. Click the Icon box to change the workspace icon by locating it in your files.
  2. Give a recognizable name to your workspace.
  3. When you’re ready, click the Create a workspace button.
πŸŒ„ Note
The image size for avatars should not exceed 5 MB, while the limit for a GIF is 1 MB.


Invite members

You're almost there! To complete the creation of your Workspace, you can invite others to join you. You can invite others to your newly created Workspace or skip this step but Working alongside others can amplify your Trickle experience!

There are two ways to invite members:

  1. Enter their email addresses.
  2. Click the Copy Shareable Link button to copy the invitation link to your clipboard. Share this link with your members.
πŸ™Œ Note
If you need to expand your team later on, you can visit the workspace settings and add new members. You can learn more about how to invite members to your workspace here β†’

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