Database Channel

It’s easier for you to scale your productivity while collaborating on projects and having focused conversations in one place.

While post channel aligns your team and reduces communication friction, Database Channel makes your workflow more collaborative on projects. They act like two sides of the same coin, helping you to reach the next level of productivity.

How database channel can boost your collaboration on projects

Customizable properties: Create properties to label and contextualize database items to give different contexts, like tags, dates, URLs, people, multi-select, last edited time, etc. These properties can then be used to group your data into different sections.

Customizable properties

Every item can be expanded into an editable page: Every item you add to the database can be expanded into a page where you can give more information and insert different media. On the expanded page, you’ll see every database property at the top. You can click on the value to edit it. Each project has its group chat, which allows communication to stay on-topic. All the context and resources you need can be found in a row.

Expaneded page

Group data to your needs: All the items in a database channel can be partitioned into sections in multiple ways. You can choose a property you’d like to group by and switch to another as needed. That is similar to seeking a book online. A book classification system can narrow your search by categorizing books by author, publisher, theme, etc.


Database channel tour

In each Database channel, you'll notice the same channel navigation and options. Let's take a brief tour:

Database channel
  1. Channel name: See the current channel's name.
  2. Views: Click to switch between different views of the current database channel, or right-click a view to change the view name or delete it.
  3. + Add View: Add a new view to the current database channel. Currently, there are two types of views, including list view and board view.
  4. + New Item: Press this to add a new item to the current database.
  5. Group menu: Select a property from the menu to group database into sections.
  6. Filter menu: Click to select a property from the menu and apply a filter to the current database.
  7. Sort menu: Sort data based on the property values.
  8. View Options: Click to open the option menu where you can change the name of the view, reorder properties, add new properties, and more.

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